lightning strikes

Setting up my blog

Okay so here is the deal… I have been going CRAZY trying to set up this blog. Thankfully only a few family members knew about it because the design has changed so much that you may think I have more websites than People Magazine.

One of the MANY looks …

If you subscribed before July 30, 2021 please do so again here. Pretty much I messed up and didn’t retain any of the subscribers I may have gotten.

Technology and me don’t always see eye to eye. Welllll that may not really be the case. Reading isn’t something I do for “fun” so instead of taking what should have taken me maybe a couple hours has taken me days. No exaggeration to that either. I am more of an early to bed and early to rise kind of girl. The past few days I have been late to bed and early to rise. has truly been a lifesaver. Luckily they are powered with WordPress. There are MANY design options. Perfection is what I like BUT when you aren’t willing to read then you redo the same thing over and Over and OVER again. There are some pretty cool designs. As complicated as I can be I like things plain and simple and that is the type of design I chose.

Luckily there are programs like Wordable to help me out or my blog would look like a train wreck. I mean train wreck is a few steps above the hot mess that I am.

My knowledge of affiliate programs was ZERO. Meaning I had never even heard of this. My Mom told me about it and in the midst of trying to figure out a blog I had a “squirrel moment” and went off researching. That is when I realized that I can recommend things that I actually use to everyone and make money. The idea was brilliant because some people like to “shop” while I have always been one that like to “buy”.

In saying I am not a shopper I mean I do NOT like “going to look” instead I like seeing something I like and buying it. It doesn’t matter is it is shoes, purses, sunglasses or pretty much ANYTHING. If I am “looking” online and it isn’t for work, being on social media and researching something (that is after I have tried it on my own) then I promise I am looking for something to buy. Now when the “smile truck” as my Dad calls it comes I am let him know I am officially an Amazon Associate.

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